Supporting Children and Their Education

What is EFG?
The Education Foundation of Greenville (EFG) is a nonprofit 501 (c)3 organization. Founded in 1991, the EFG's mission is to acquire and distribute financial, and other resources, to the Greenville Public Schools. These resources are used for programs and projects that enhance and/or supplement educational programs and provide extended educational opportunities to students in our community.
EFG is independently run, but partners closely with Greenville Public Schools Board of Education and administration.
How is it funded?
The EFG is supported by voluntary contributions from individuals and businesses within our community. It is our mission to immediately invest the proceeds raised by our programs into Greenville Public Schools, creating an atmosphere of academic excellence for each and every student.
Visionary Goal
It is our goal to preserve and expand the dreams, promote wellness, and inspire success of students and staff of Greenville Public Schools. Through fundraising, we will create unique opportunities in the arts, academics, and athletics.
Learn more about our wellness grants, teacher grants, summer camp and scholarships here!